This blog is created as sort of an on-line journal of my random thoughts and opinions. No news, per say...just what's on my mind.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Deep Thoughts

Contemplating certain aspects of truth and relativity today, I once again realized that I have been blessed with quite an amazing life. Before I go further, let me just say...I am not disclosing this information for my betterment; but am sharing this with you in order to bring further glory to God. Let me also say that my life (or anyone elses) should not be compared to that of another human being's existance; but should only be examined through the light of God's radiance. That said...

As far back as I can really recollect (age 6), I have known the Lord and have had the desire to be a missionary. Through the visit to the Anastasis Mercy Ship, the Lord solidified this desire in such a strong way, I seldome doubted His purpose for my life. Furthermore, despite my hesitant cowardice rooted in pride, the Lord used me even at the earliest age to share the Love of Jesus through Bible studies, abortion protests, and friendship evangelism. Not only that, but He allowed me to grow up in an invironment where, although not all knowledge I acquired made it all the way to my heart, I was exposed to deep and intimate things of God all throughout my developmental years. Through varous seemingly random circumstances, I have been able to sit under some of the most influential Christian teachers of our time (Loren Cunningham, Winkie Pratney, Joshua Harris, Dean Sherman)...some of whom I have met on several occasions. God has blessed me with amazing opportunites in educaation through my upbringing as well as into my adult life; and has allowed me to not only be trained at, but also work with one of the most solid YWAM bases that exists. He has given me a wonderful husband who loves God with all his heart, is an amazing discipler, and is a man of integrity. We have together been given a son, who brings so much joy into our lives as we watch him grow and develop.

So, I ask myself...with all this...why do I ever doubt God?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Winkie Pratney!
I also love Keith Green's music. His music paralleled the things that Winkie talked about since they were friends with one another.

I am a musician and I would be honored if you would check out my music. All my music is free for download on my site. Anyway, I just thought that I'd share with you.

"All my music is free for download."